5 Simple Ways to Prevent a Home Security False Alarm

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How to Prevent a Home Security False Alarm

90% of home security system responses are triggered by a false alarm. False alarms startle loved ones, pets and neighbors, and can result in hundreds of dollars of unnecessary alarm fees. Thankfully, they are easy to prevent. Save yourself time, money, and worry by adhering to these simple strategies to avoid false alarms:

1. Step Up Your Tech

Regularly checking batteries and monitoring your devices is the easiest way to prevent a false alarm. Test your smoke alarm once a month. Your alarm panel will alert you if it detects that security devices like your door and window sensors, motion detectors and glassbreak sensors are running low on battery. 70% of false alarms are attributed to user mistakes. If you have any questions or if you feel a device isn’t functioning properly: give us a call. We have operators standing by 24/7 to make sure that you feel safe, secure, and informed about your security system.

2. Keep Your Codes Close

Consider using a keypad code that is easy for you and your loved ones to remember. Avoid using house numbers or phone numbers, as they are the most obvious to potential home invaders. Once you have established the code you want to use, sit down with the people who have access to the code and have a home security meeting. Take time to memorize the code together and familiarize yourself with how to arm and disarm your home security system properly. Keep a list of your codes in a secure place that is easy for everyone to remember.

3. Take Time to Teach

When friends or family are visiting, take a moment to familiarize them with your home security system. This includes house cleaners, babysitters, dog walkers, and other visitors. By taking a few minutes to teach someone how to use your security system, you could save you hours of stress triggered by a false alarm. Ensure that your inner circle knows both your house code and the phone number of your local monitoring station in the event that an alarm is accidentally activated. Remind them to save ADS as a contact in their phone so they know to pick up whenever a monitoring station is calling.

4. Mind Your Motion Detectors

Stray objects and roaming pets can trigger your motion detectors, setting off a false alarm. Do a survey of your home and identify potential moving objects. Curtains, plants, and other moving objects should be secured or moved away from motion sensors. For furry friends, consider arming your home with ‘pet-friendly’ sensors. ‘Pet-friendly’ sensors– like glassbreak detectors– allow animals to roam your home freely without setting off a motion detector. In the event that an invader attempts to enter your home by breaking the glass on a window or door, these detectors promptly alert your monitoring station so assistance can be dispatched immediately.

5. Know Your Home

Keep your eyes open, stay alert, and acquaint yourself with both your surroundings and your security system. Know the locations of windows and doors in your home and make a habit of checking them before you arm your system. Disarm your security system before opening doors and windows to prevent a false alarm. During extreme weather, be mindful of the ways in which it may trigger your security system. In the event of an electrical storm, hurricane, tornado or strong winds, keep an eye on your security system and call us if you have any questions or concerns. If your home is operating on a landline system, consider upgrading it to a wifi-enabled system. Upgraded systems allow you to connect with our monitoring station via wifi in the event that your landline is damaged or disabled.

With these 5 simple strategies in place, you and your loved ones can avoid false alarms and feel confident that your home is safe and secure. Interested in learning more? Give us a call. Our operators are standing by to assist you.

Categories: Safety, Safety Tips, Security

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