How to Cool Your House Down From the Summer Heat - ADS Security

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How to Cool Your House Down From the Summer Heat

With the July heat surge in full swing, some scientists predict the upcoming heatwave could be the hottest ever recorded. Not to mention, these high temperatures are expected to persist well into September, which is you need to know how to cool your house down.

Although some areas around the country experience more extreme heat than others, it is essential to keep your house cool during the summer heatwave. Even high humidity can be dangerous for you and your home. Here are some tips on how to cool your house down to protect you, your home, and your family from the summer heat.

Properly Insulate all Windows and Doors

Although you may not see them with the naked eye, small cracks around the foundation of windows and doors can let in unnecessary heat and humidity. Not only can the heat drive up the electric bill and be potentially dangerous, but the humidity can cause unnecessary damage to walls, entryways, etc.

By properly insulating all of your doors and windows, you ensure you keep the cold air in your home and hot the air out. If you plan to save money and do it yourself, there are plenty of how-to guides you can find online. If not, you can always hire a local professional to inspect your home and develop the best course of action.

Properly insulated doors and windows can help energy efficiency as well, especially if you are running the AC. And remember to adjust your AC as you come and go in order to conserve energy…a smart thermostat can help in case you forget.

Insulate Your Attic and Install Proper Ventilation

If your home has an attic, chances are it wasn’t built with adequate airflow, making it one of the hottest areas in a home. And during the summer months, the heat and humidity can compound quickly, turning your attic into a potentially dangerous area.

Like the rest of your house, you want to ensure your attic is properly insulated. One of the best ways to keep it cool is to install a ventilation system the pumps the hot air out. Then, have a fan installed to keep the cold air circulating and flowing throughout.

Prepare for Blackouts

High temperatures put a strain on our electrical infrastructure, which is why some parts of the country experience rolling blackouts during extreme heat. Regardless if you live in one of these areas, you need to know how to cool your house down without air conditioning in case of an emergency.

When a blackout occurs, properly close and lock all windows and doors. You also want to cover all of your windows with a dark cloth that can better absorb the sunlight and heat. And lastly, make sure you have supplies ready. These include water and non-perishable food. And keep your refrigerator doors closed at all times to prevent food from spoiling.

Know the Signs of Heat-Related Illnesses

Heat-related illnesses result in over 700 deaths each year in the US. You should know the signs and spot them quickly to prevent unnecessary harm. These include:

  1. High body temperature
  2. Muscle aches/pain
  3. Heavy sweating
  4. Tiredness
  5. Weakness
  6. Headaches

If any of these symptoms occur during waves of extreme heat, you want to cool yourself off immediately. And if symptoms continue to get worse, you want to seek medical help right away.

Here is an in-depth guide that goes into much greater detail about the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses, as well as ways to protect yourself and others during extreme heat.

Understand the Fire Risks of Extreme Heat

A combination of low humidity and high heat can be a recipe for disaster in many parts of the country. In these conditions, fires can start incredibly easily around your home or in the yard. Just one spark can lead to a catastrophe for not only you but the entire neighborhood.

Always be aware of your surroundings and be extra careful with flames. You should also have an escape route in mind if you need to evacuate your home or if a larger-scale fire spreads in your area.

One of the best ways to receive alerts about a potential fire in your home is to have smoke detectors installed throughout. Contact ADS Security to learn more on how to better protect your home during the summer months.

Categories: Family, Fire, Safety Tips

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