The Benefits of An Indoor Surveillance System In Your Home

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Five Reasons to Have Indoor Cameras Installed at Home

When it comes to professional home security systems, you have plenty of options. There are basic plans that offer the simplest protection against thieves or intruders, and then there are premium plans for the homeowner who really wants to make sure that his or her home, property, and family are safe. The choice, ultimately, is up to you, but it’s important to make sure you realize the benefits of the options available to you.

Do you need an indoor camera system for your home? Here are five reasons that we suggest indoor cameras for most of our customers:

Reason One: You can avoid false alarms!

With an indoor camera system in your house, you’ll have instant access to see what’s happening at home from your phone using our ADS Aniware app. This means that if you get a motion alert, you’ll be able to make sure it’s not just the cat being a jerk again or one of your kids sneaking home because they skipped school.

Reason Two: Keep the family safe!

An indoor camera system takes away all of the guesswork of what’s happening in your home when you’re away. From work, you can check to make sure that the kids got home safely from school and are doing their homework. Did the neighbor bring in your packages and shut the door properly like you asked? If you’re out for a date night and want to make sure the babysitter isn’t having a party at the house or eating your secret stash of Moon Pies, you can use the ADS Aniware app and see what’s going on throughout the house. It’s a great way to keep an eye on what’s happening even while you’re miles away.

Reason Three: Make your smart home smarter!

Your new indoor camera system will pair with your smart home set up, giving you even more control. Make sure the inside lights are on, unlock the front door for your weekend guest from out of town who arrived while you’re at the store stocking up on liquor, and start playing party music as soon as they walk in the door. Or just do a virtual walkthrough of your home to make sure everything’s off that should be while you’re still laying in bed.

Reason Four: Deter criminals!

For most wannabe home invaders and burglars, the ADS Security sign outside is enough of a deterrent, but for those who might not be smart enough, a surveillance system will keep them away. Getting caught on tape breaking and entering is evidence that no criminal wants, and it’s much easier for them to just skip your house and move onto the one without any cameras, indoor and out.

Reason Five: Get a discount on insurance!

Insurance companies want their policyholders to be as safe and protected as possible. This isn’t necessarily out of the goodness of their hearts, but because the safer their policyholders and their homes are, the less they’ll have to pay out in insurance. As a result, many companies will offer significant discounts that can increase based on the effectiveness of your home security system. Cameras collect evidence that insurance companies can use to clearly identify what was stolen in the case of a burglary, and they’ll be happy to reward you for having them professionally installed.

Are there options for home alarm systems that are overkill? Until someone invents a giant security robot that patrols around your house 24/7, we don’t think so. Every option that’s currently available is designed to maximize your safety and the well-being of your home, its contents, and most importantly, the people you care about, and that should be reason enough to take advantage of every bell and whistle available today.

Want to find out more about what ADS Security can do to keep your family safe? Contact us today!

Categories: Safety, Security


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