Happy Halloween! As you start to plan your costumes and carve your pumpkins, here are a few safety tips for drivers, kids, and parents to keep in mind.
Safety Tips For Halloween Drivers
Drivers making their way out on Halloween evening should be extra vigilant. According to Safe Kids USA, a child is twice as likely to be hit and killed by a car on Halloween than any other day of the year.
- Obey all traffic regulations.
- Drive with your vehicle lights on, even before dusk. Day or night, driving with your lights on makes your vehicle more visible.
- Check your side and rearview mirrors for children that may be in your blind spot.
- Go slow, especially in neighborhoods.
- Use your hazard lights when dropping off or picking up trick-or-treaters.
- Stop and look both ways at all crosswalks.
- Be especially careful when coming out of driveways and alleys.
Safety Tips for Kids Trick or Treating
Before you take your kids our for their candy collection, here are a few safety reminders:
- Always carry a flashlight so you can see where you are walking.
- Trick-or-treat in pairs or groups. Use the buddy system.
- Be aware of yard ornaments and extension cords that could be tripping hazards.
- Do not, under any circumstance, go inside anyone’s home to get treats.
- Use the driveway to approach and leave a home before and after receiving treats.
- Do not accept any treat that has been opened.
Safety Tips for Parents
Parents, please discuss safety with your little ghouls and goblins before you send them out on Halloween evening.
- Put your kids in light-colored costumes so they are more visible to motorists.
- If possible, accompany small children.
- Make sure your child’s costume is safe. Does it fit properly? Is there anything they can trip on? Is the costume flame retardant? If your child is wearing a mask, can they see?
- If you are driving or accompanying your small ones, keep them in sight at all times.
- If your child is old enough to be out without a chaperone – you can use the “Share my Location” feature on your iPhone, another GPS tracking app, or wearable GPS trackers to keep an eye on their whereabouts.
- If you suspect any foul or suspicious activity, immediately call the police.
- Parents should examine all treats before allowing their children to consume them. Throw away candies that have:
- Unusual appearance or discoloration
- Tiny pinholes or tears in a wrapper
- Unwrapped items
- Homemade items (unless you know the person who gave them to you and trust them)
- Remove any choking hazards like gum and hard candies from young children
Have a safe and happy Halloween!
Categories: Family, Safety, Safety Tips