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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Results for "insurance"
How do I get an alarm certificate for my homeowners insurance?
Insurance certificates can be requested by logging in to your My ADS account. On the top navigation bar, click “support”; then click “insurance certificate.”
What makes the ADS Monitoring center different?
Our monitoring center is both UL-listed and TA Five Diamond-designated.
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is the leader in the certification and listing of monitoring centers. In order to receive UL listing, monitoring centers must meet demanding requirements for architectural and physical security features, as well as emergency power, computer hardware and software, and operator training. Many insurance companies require alarm monitoring to be performed by a UL-listed monitoring center in order to qualify for significant premium discounts.
The TMA Five Diamond Program is a balanced certification program providing a differentiation in the central station monitoring marketplace because it signifies five points of excellence. This designation, and its annual renewal, demonstrate a commitment to the continual upgrade in the performance levels of the monitoring operators who are the first line of defense in private-sector emergency response. Companies with this status have made it a practice to meet the highest levels of professionalism, training and expertise in the industry.