This article was previously published on October 26, 2017 and updated for comprehensiveness and accuracy.
Nobody expects a home break-in. But when it happens, it can be devastating. To keep yourself safe, it’s important to know how criminals think and act before and during a home break-in. Here are 12 home burglary statistics to help raise awareness on how you can keep you and your family protected.
How Often Do Homes Get Broken Into?
Home break-ins are far more common in the United States than you might expect. The numbers may surprise you:
- Two-thirds of all burglaries are residential (Nationwide).
- A break-in occurs about every 15 seconds, which equates to 4,800 burglaries a day and 2.5 million burglaries per year (FBI).
- Contrary to popular belief, most break-ins occur during the daytime, with 62% happening between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. (Nationwide). Burglars like to attack during the daytime because it’s when most homes are vacant.
- Home break-ins are generally very brief. With the majority lasting anywhere between 90 seconds to 12 minutes. However, the average time for a break-in is between eight and ten minutes (FBI).
How Do Burglars Target Homes?
Burglars like to look for valuables that are easy to take and carry, which makes jewelry, money, electronics, and other small items their primary targets. Here’s how burglars enter your home and where they like to look:
5. 56% of burglaries involved forced entry, while 38% enter through an unlocked door or window (FBI).
6. 85% or burglaries are conducted by amateurs (Policy Advice).
7. The most common entry points are the front door and back door, followed by first-floor windows, garage doors, basement windows, then second or third story windows.
8. 65% of burglaries already know or have met the person they’re targeting (Policy Advice)
How Much Do Home Break-Ins Cost?
Not only can a break-in be stressful, but it can result in the loss of incredibly valuable items, which could include precious family heirlooms, financial information, etc. Here’s how much of an impact break-ins have in the United States.
9. The average break-in costs homeowners $2,416 (FBI)
10. Burglaries (both residential and commercial) account for over $3.4 billion in losses each year (U.S Department of Justice).
How to Protect Yourself from a Home Break-In
One of the most effective ways to protect your home from a break-in is investing in a home security system. Here are two simple facts:
11. Less than 30% of all homes in the United States have a security system (
12. A home security system can deter crime by 60% (SafeWise).
A monitored security system can watch your home when you can’t. There’s nothing like peace of mind knowing that when you leave your house for the day, someone else is watching to dispatch help in the event of a break-in.
ADS Security has been protecting homeowners and their families for over 30 years. We know what it takes to deter burglaries and we’re here make sure you have the protection you deserve. If you would like to learn more about ADS Security and the home security products we provide, feel free to contact us today.